Science - Whole Groups Lessons for Review

     September through November 4th, 2011 - How Scientists Work: We've learned that science is seen through many different lenses. One of the best ways to demonstrate this is for each of you to watch yourself develop into a very scientific person this year. You will do so using a Science Notebook to record your empirical observations, predictions, investigations, data, results, and conclusions., Given our desire to dive into technology, we'll make our notebooks DIGITAL!

1. September 19th - 23rd - Simple Machines Project Based Learning: Keynote Presentation on 6 Types of Simple Machines (Due 9/23) To complete this assignment you must complete the list of tasks describe on the Assignment Sheet & Rubric - Simple Machines PBU:Keynote Presentation

2. Sept. 26th - 30th - Research report (Pages) in Rube Goldberg. Internet Search Due 9/30

3. October 3rd - 7th - Data Analysis and Graph production using Numbers after conducting Toy Dissection Lab  Due 10/7
4. Oct. 10th - 14th - Simple Machines Project – Invent and Design a compound machine using three or more simple machines. Keep an electronic journal of their invention in their Scientific Notebook. Write a Classroom Patent. (Pages) 10/21
5. Oct. 15th - November 4th - Produce and Film a Commercial (iMovie) to market their inventions.  Due 11/4

Past Assignments: Early Release Writing Prompt - Sept. 1st - Each Elementary Early Release day will include a 45 minute timed writing. We will use Science topics for those timed writings. I will include the topic here 1 week in advance to give you all enough time to make sure you ask questions about the topic in class.

Sept. 1st : You will write as though you are...a research scientist, writing something to be read or heard by a class of elementary-aged students.The writing will take the form of a letter to the editor, and will be about...the earth's limited resources.  Your piece of writing's purpose will be to COMPARE your topic with something interesting to you, that can be considered limited as well.