January 20th - 27th Read With Someone Cooperative Reading Tasks

Read With Someone (RW) Cooperative Reading Tasks

1. January 20th - 27th  - Use Leveled Readers OR "Zathura" to Read With Someone -


    1)Check for Understanding Checklist,(see an example of the Check for Understanding Checklist on the  Forms and Documents page on this blog.) 
    2) Leveled Reader OR Zathura
Using one of the resources listed, you will partner with another student in the class to read with them.

BEFORE readingSET A PURPOSE! - each student will use their copy of the Check for Understanding Checklist to set a purpose. Each student will create three (3) questions for that they will answer after hearing their partner read.

WHILE reading, you will strive to read FLUENTLY, practicing pausing at commas, stopping at periods, etc. While listening, you will give the reader your full attention, and prepare 3 questions for them when they are finished as a Check for Understanding.

AFTER listening, the Reader (Student A) listens as the Listener (Student B) reads the questions they wrote and answers them. This begins a discussion where you each speak and clear up any misunderstandings together. Then switch roles. Student A becomes Listener, Student B becomes Reader.

When BOTH partners have Read, record questions and answers in your Reading Composition book on a clean page. Label the top of the page with your first name, last name, the date and the title Read With Someone: (Title of WHAT YOUR PARTNER READ)

Each person must read and listen! Depending on what you are reading, this activity may not take 20 minutes, but should come close.

*when finished, compolete this week's vocabulary tasks, move on to any incomplete Daily 5 Work OR D.E.A.R., OR AR Test (in that order). If you have a question, you may ask Mrs.  Ross.